I very much enjoyed the book, so thanks to Ross and Neil, and all others who made this happen! I remember when I was first recruited by Dan Higgins, a pre-Vignette co-worker, in September 1997. He told me that Vignette was looking for "A players". I remember thinking: (a) I want to be a part of a team like that! (b) If I work there, I know I will have a lot to live up to. I am still grateful for the opportunity to work with so many other A players!
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There was one chapter that Neil and I wanted to write at the end of the book, but it never did come together. It was going to be a list of Neil-isms. All the pithy phrases that Neil coined to capture our culture. Ie: “The most important thing”. Chris, there was one that applied to your post. “High performance adult culture”. It roughly translated (expanded) into really smart people, do your best work, don’t suffer fools, ’management’ would be transparent/honest, and we’d share the good and the bad news. I remember a few Monday all-hand meetings at the Far West building where I had to stand up and say, ‘well the good news is we just closed such-and-such deal. The bad news is that we have about 3 weeks of cash left.’
Thanks for adding this, Chris. The quality of the people we hired was amazing and unmatched.