It used to be such a great thing when you would come across a Vignette CURL on a site that you didn't know or expect to be a customer site. Spotting CURLs in the wild was a sport!
@Charlie Wood once wrote a post explaining what the components of a CURL meant.
Its been awhile since I've spotted a wild CURL. Anyone know of remaining live sites?
I must confess to being the originator of that CURL format.
You used to be able to search Google with inurl:"/0,*" and get them. Now that returns nothing...
I haven't run into a new one in a while but ... [ scans email ] ... ah, it seems I've remarked on at least two I've encountered, once as recently as 2019.
This first one:,9171,1653653,00.html
curiously redirects immediately to another curl-looking URL "0,33009,1653653,00.html" ... and if you view source it starts with:
<!--[if IE 5]> Vignette StoryServer 5.0 Fri Mar 21 05:03:26 2014 <![endif]-->
The other one I know of also now redirects (to a non-CURL URL):,,20352313,00.html
Gotta love the preamble from VictorL: "Though StoryServer is not as bad as others..." :-)